Logic IC Distributor

Logic IC Distributor in China

  • Enhance signal integrity in your system.
  • Have a greater noise margin than conventional inverters.
  • Minimizes external timing requirements.
  • The best solution to complete your special-purpose application.
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Professional Logic IC Supplier - Rantle East Electronic

RANTLE provides Logic ICs that can enhance signal integrity in your system. We have logic IC that are temperature compensated and can be triggered from the slowest of input ramps and still give clean, jitter-free output signal. They have a greater noise margin than conventional inverters. Logic ICs are useful in crystal oscillator and analog applications.

RANTLE distributes all types of Logic IC such as Buffer and Line drivers, Transceivers, Counter Shift Registers, Inverters, Latches, and many more.

Logic IC Supplier

RANTLE Logic IC has direction-controlled transceivers for optimal signal integrity. It is designed for asynchronous communication between data buses. The control function implementation minimizes external timing requirements.

RANTLE have logic IC that are designed specifically for low voltage operation and capability to provide a TTL interface to a 5V system environment. Logic ICs have active bus-hold circuitry that holds unused or undriven inputs at a valid logic state. Use of pullup or pulldown resistors with the bus-hold circuitry is not recommended.

Buy Logic IC

Now, RANTLE Logic IC introducing high performance memory-decoding or data routing application, the best solution to complete your special-purpose application.

In this high-performance memory system, the decoder minimizes the effects of system decoding.

Logic IC Distributor

Hurry and avail our one of a kind RANTLE Logic IC now! For almost 15 years’ experience of electronic component distribution business, RANTLE can assure your Logic IC with a high-quality parts and competitive price. RANTLE is highly proven to have a quality services and have a strong source of electronic components.

Logic IC Price

RANTLE is an independent Logic IC distributor for our different leading manufacturers. We deal all kinds of logic IC worldwide. Feel free to contact us. Within 24 hours, our friendly and knowledgeable sales team will contact you with a price saving at least 30% than your normal suppliers.

Electronic Components IC Chips Related Components: Amplifier IC, Interface IC, Equalizer IC, Driver IC, Digital Potentiometer IC, Counter IC, Network IC, Timer IC, Active Filter IC, Multimedia IC ,  Optocoupler IC, Power Management IC, Security IC, Switch IC, RF Integrated Circuit, IC Batteries

Related Electronic Components: EPF10K10TC144-4N, ADXL202AE, GM5321-LF-BC, CC1310F128RGZR, AD9833BRMZ

Logic ICs: The Complete FAQ Guide

What is a Logic IC?

A Logic IC is a single and small integrated circuit containing components such as resistors and transistors.

It plays a critical role in the functioning of an integrated Logic circuit.

Is Logic IC the same as Digital IC?

No. they are not the same.

However, a Logic IC is a subdivision of a digital IC.

Logic IC

 Logic IC

How does Analog IC compare to Digital IC?

  • Analog Integrated Circuit accepts and processes analog data via its pins. Digital Integrated Circuits accepts and processes logic data using its pins.
  • Digital IC does not use any external component, while the Analog IC utilizes external components in its functioning.
  • Analog IC only processes binary data while analog IC processes signal that have varying continuity such as sinewave signal.
  • Digital IC is easy and simple to design and manufacture, while the designs of Analog IC are Complex.
  • The operations of components of an analog IC such as transistors are in the active regions. The components of the digital IC operate in a saturate and cutoff system.
  • Signal interruption due to noise is common in Analog IC. The reason for this is because noise increases the amplitude of the analogue signal. Noise does not interrupt signal transmission in Digital IC. This is due to a variation in the signal voltage level.
  • It is impossible to fabricate analog IC in IC chips since it consists of various components such as resistors and capacitors. Fabrication of digital IC is possible within the IC chip since different components are separate.
  • The accuracy level of a Digital IC is higher than that of an Analog IC.
  • Information storage is easy in a Digital IC than it is in an Analog IC.

Where can you use Logic IC?

The use of Logic IC is common in applications such as memory chips, microprocessors, and microcontrollers.

How does Logic ICs work?

How a logic IC works depends on the performance of its different components.

The transistor amplifies any electronic signal present in a logic IC

The Diode facilitates the flow of electric current in one direction within the Logic IC.

This helps facilitate the flow of current.

When there is an overload in the current flowing, a resistor helps in reducing this excess current flowing through the Logic IC.

Resistors also help in ensuring each component within the Logic IC gets its required current.

This is through the division of the current.

The capacitor stores the excess energy flowing through the Logic IC.

The conductive pathways within the logic IC act as the links that current flows through as it heads to the components.

There is the microprocessor, which acts as the memory component of the Logic IC.

Its function is to follow and calculate logical protocols for accurate processing of the data relevant for the logic IC.

What are the Benefits of Logic ICs?

Logic Integrated circuit

Logic Integrated circuit

The benefits of using Logic ICs include:

  • A Logic IC is smaller in size, which is important during the fabrication of small electronic equipment due to the fabrication of tiny circuit elements. You can easily have a piece of small and sleek equipment that can function the same way a big electronic device can function.
  • They weigh less due to the size of the circuit elements. This has the effect of reducing the overall weight resulting in portable electronic gadgets.
  • Fabrication cost for Logic is cheaper. This has the effect of reducing the cost of purchasing logic ICs.
  • Logic IC has a low power consumption rate, which helps in reducing power costs.
  • There is a small temperature difference between the components of the logic IC. This helps in reducing the electromagnetic effect, which affects the performance of the electrical device.
  • A logic IC has a higher operating speed. This is due to the lack of capacitance and parasitic effect.

Are there Drawbacks of Logic Integrated Circuits?


There are drawbacks of Logic Integrated Circuits which include:

  • Fabrication of logic IC is costly. this may increase with the complexity of the Logic IC design. You have to replace a logic IC in case of damages since you cannot repair it. this increases the overall cost.
  • It is hard to manufacture a logic IC with a rating of more than 10 watts since the consumption of most electronics does not surpass 10 watts.
  • It is difficult to manufacture a logic IC that produces low noise while operating under high voltage.
  • It is impossible to fabricate high-grade P-N-P.
  • Voltage depends on the capacitors and resistors.
  • It is impossible to use a logic IC on its own. You have to combine it with other discrete components.
  • It is impossible to manufacture a logic IC that has a low-temperature coefficient.
  • A logic IC is a delicate component that you need to handle with special care. Any small mishandling leads to failure of the logic IC.

What are the Design Techniques for Logic ICs?

The following are the common techniques used in the Logic IC:

i. Hierarchical Design

This design technique involves a written procedure that breaks down larger tasks into smaller tasks.

This continues until the refining of the final step.

The final procedure is a simple one that one can write directly. It is also called divide-and-conquer.

This is because there is a division of complex procedures into simple ones.

Hierarchical design involves breaking the Integrated Circuit into a component grading consisting of several pins and a body.

Individual components act as a black box.

ii. Design Abstraction

Design abstraction is a common technique in the design of Integrated Circuits.

Multiple Design Abstraction is common in the management of Logic ICs as it ensures that logic IC functions appropriately.

Design Abstraction utilizes tools such as Binary Boolean values in its operation.

They help in obtaining initial decisions in a logic integrated Circuit before further processing using advanced models.

Design Abstraction takes into consideration several factors.

This includes the customer’s specifications.

The behavioral description, the register transfer, the logic, the IC layout, and the Circuit design.

Design Abstraction operates in an up-down approach.

iii. Computer-Aided Design

Computer-Aided Design is a technique that involves automation of the fabrication of the Logic IC.

The essence of this is to simplify the design process and to reduce the cost and time involved in the fabrication cost.

Computer-Aided Design helps in reducing human errors and increases the accuracy level of the functioning of the Logic IC.

There are different types of Computer-Aided-Design, including Design entry, Analysis and Verification, and Synthesis.

How do you Test Logic ICs?

Testing of logic ICs involves several tests such as:

· Continuity Test

This is a test that measures if there is electricity flow through a given part.

To conduct this test, place the two probes to the multimeter and select continuity.

The results are positive if the readings on your multimeter are zero.

If it records one or it has an open loop, then there is no continuity at the given part.

· Resistance Test

Resistance tests are a measure of current loss while there is a flow of electricity through a given component.

Its unit for measurement is Ohms.

You can determine the resistance of a given component using a multimeter.

Set the multimeter to read the resistance range on the amplifier IC.

Then check if the given point can handle the resistance range on the amplifier IC.

· Voltage Test

The voltage test measures the force of electric pressure.

Carrying out this test depends on the type of current your appliance requires, that is, direct current or alternating current.

To carry out this test, adjust the multimeter to read the voltage set out on the appliance.

You then check if the amplifier IC can handle the expected voltage range.

· Leakage Test

This test determines if the amplifier IC has damages or not.

For this, you need to observe keenly on the sides of the amplifier IC to check for any damages.

What Types of Logic ICs are there?

The following are the main types of Logic ICs available:

Logic IC Schematic

 Logic IC Schematic – Photo courtesy: Nuts & Volts

· Buffer

A buffer is a type of logic IC that isolates the output and the input.

This is through the provision of a voltage that is equal to the voltage of the input.

It offers enough drive for passing signals through to the next stage.

· Line Drivers

The function of the liner driver is to amplify signals from the head unit with a low-level signal.

Such low-level signals can be 10 volts or more.

For this to be effective, the receiving end should handle at least 10 volts as the input.

Lone drivers work n handy with line receivers, which help in the facilitation of reducing the voltage to 1 volt from 1o volts.

· Transceivers

A transceiver combines both the transmitter and a receiver for its functioning.

It is a digital IC that receives and transmits signals.

Transceivers are common in the communication industry, such as in radios, mobile phones, modems, and ethernet.

· Counter Shift Registers

A counter Shift Register is a type of digital IC that transfers or stores binary data.

It has several bits, with each consisting of a data bit.

The data bit can either be logic 1 or 0 and they connect using daisy-chain serial arrangement.

In this way, one data bit output is the next data bit input.

· Inverters

An inverter is a primary building component in most electronics.

Its function is to help in the conversion of current to alternating current from direct current.

Examples of Electronics that use inverters include decoders and multiplexers.

A voltage transmitter curve measures the quality of a digital inverter.

· Latches

Latches are the primary storage components that use signal levels in their operation as opposed to signal transition.

It is a bi-stable multivibrator since it consists of two stable states.

It holds primary data using a feedback lane.

The different types of latches include Gated S-R latch, D latch, Gated D latch, JK latch, SR latch, T latch.

How do you Remove Logic Redundancy in Logic IC?

Logic circuit diagram

Logic circuit diagram – Photo courtesy: Circuit Schematics

Logic Redundancy is a digital network semiconductor present in a Logic IC that does not affect its static logic function.

The main cause of this is the deliberate addition of the semiconductors to reduce transient glitches.

This results in a race condition in which numerous product terms overlap a third one on the output of the logic IC signal.

Another cause for logic redundancy is the poor designing of the Logic IC.

Poor design results in an unwanted increase in the complexity of the network signal.

The effect of this is that there is hampering the testing ability of the manufactured design with traditional testing methods.

Removing logic redundancy involves the use of several techniques, including:

  • Karnaugh maps. It is a mathematical expression that simplifies the Boolean Algebra. It utilizes people’s capability to recognize patterns and allows for quick identification and removal of the potential race conditions.
  • Quine–McCluskey algorithm. It involves the identification of the prime implicants necessary for the function. You then apply these prime implicants on a Chart to evaluate the useful prime implicants.
  • Heuristic computer method. This is a computer-based method that uses heuristic and algorithms for the effective reduction of complex logic gate circuits.

What is a Mixed Signal IC?

Figure 5 Mixed Signal IC block diagram – Photo courtesy: Research Gate

A Mixed Signal IC is a type of Integrated Circuit that combines both digital and analog integrated circuits in its functioning. A Mixed Signal IC is capable of processing both analog and digital signals.

A mixed-signal IC is a cost-effective way of fabricating Integrated Circuits.

How does the Performance of Logic IC compare to Mixed Signal IC?

A logic IC performs better when you compare to a Mixed-signal IC. This is because of the complex design and operation of the Logic IC.

A Mixed Signal IC can operate both analog and digital signals while the Logic IC is limited to digital signals only.

What are the Common Problems in Logic IC Design?

The common problems in Logic Designs are:

  • Grounding issues which occur due to improper component soldering
  • Power issues involve using components with the same voltage and current abilities.
  • Testingthe design at each step before proceeding to the next. This helps in ensuring the proper functioning of the Logic IC.

What are the Components of Logic IC?

The main components of a Logic IC include:

i. Transistors

A transistor refers to a semi-conductor whose function is to amplify an electronic signal in a logic IC.

They also switch the electrical signals. It features a semi-conductor having three terminals that connect to an external circuit.

ii. Diode

A diode refers to a two-terminal electrical component that conducts current in one direction. It features a zero resistance one direction and a high resistance in the other direction.

There are different types of a diode, including; A semi-conductor diode and a thermionic diode. Silicon, gallium, and arsenide are the main materials used for diode manufacturing.

iii. Resistors

A resistor is a passive component of the logic IC consisting of two terminals. Their function is to reduce the current flowing through the Logic IC, adjust signal levels, and termination of signal transmission.

They also divide the voltage required for the different components.

iv. Capacitors

The function of the capacitor is to store electrical energy within the Logic IC. It consists of two terminals and acts as a passive electrical component.

Capacitors have two metallic plates that act as electrical conductors that have a dielectric medium in between them.

The material for the dielectric medium can be a plastic film, paper, oxide layers, glass, or ceramic.

v. Conductive Pathway

This is the pathway that connects all the components of a logic IC.

vi. Microprocessor

The microprocessor is the memory part of the Logic IC. The function of the microprocessor is to follow and calculate logical protocols for accurate processing of the data relevant for the Logic IC.

How are Logic ICs made?

There are two processes involved in the manufacturing of logic IC. They are:

vii. Wafer Processing

Here, you place all the components of a logic CI including resistors and transistors on a silicon crystal wafer surface. There is the use of a thin film layer, which acts as the wiring.

This thin film layer has a photoresist coating. The nest step involves projecting the reticle on the photoresist coating by applying photolithography technology.

After completion, the photoresist acts as a mask for etching, which you use in processing it to the required logic Circuit.

Wafer processing involves the formation of one layer of a logic IC in which the components rest. You may repeat this process to form several layers depending on the number of components you want for your logic IC.

For each layer formation, you need to test your logic IC to determine if there are any defects. Removal of defects is necessary before the process continues.

viii. Front-end and Back-end Processes

This is the process that follows the wafer process, where the assembling of the components takes place. It also involves testing to ensure each component works effectively

What are the Features of Logic ICs?

The features of a Logic IC are:

ix. Gain Independent of Frequency

A logic IC needs to have an independent gain of the input signal frequency.

This results in a constant and efficient gain production across the frequencies.

x. Zero Input Voltage Offset

If there is no voltage passing through the noninverting and inverting input pins, the logic IC should record a zero-output voltage.

This is because there is no difference between the voltage of the two input pins.

xi. Infinite Voltage Gain

An ideal logic IC chip should contain an infinite voltage gain.

This is because there is a need to amplify a simple signal voltage to a megavoltage signal

xii. Zero Output Impedance

The best logic IC should have zero output impedance.

For effective performance, a logic IC should have zero voltage.

This will help in ensuring that there is a maximum transfer of voltage to the logic IC output load.

There is always a drop in voltage across the IC components offering high impedance.

For this to happen, the load should be of greater impedance than the Logic IC output.

xiii. Infinite High Input Impedance

A logic IC needs to have a High Input Impedance.

This prevents circuit overloading.

A lower input impedance increases the current flowing in a Logic IC resulting in overload.

By having a high input impedance, the logic IC will not disturb the source of the circuit by withdrawing current from it.

How do you Specify Logic ICs?

The specification of Logic ICs is dependent on various factors.

These include the type and function of the logic IC, the nature of the Logic IC and its characteristics.

The specific Logic IC for a specific function needs to produce the desired effect.

Which Digital Logic IC Families are there?

The following are the Digital Logic IC families that are available:

xiv. Diode Logic

It is a Digital Logic family in which the implementation of the logic is through the use of diodes and resistors.

For this to happen, the diode needs to be forward-biased for it to conduct.

The purpose of the diode in this logic family is performing AND operations and OR operations.

They can also function as logical switches.

However, the degradation of signals is quick in diodes which affects the quality signal.

Also, the diode can only work a stage at a go, which limits it when it comes to multiple stages.

xv. Resistor-Transistor Logic (RTL)

Under this, the implementation of all logic is through the use of resistors and transistors.

There is a combination of the transistors and the input signals.

Input signals are usually amplified and inverted while the transistors re-amplify most of the signals.

The advantage of this family is they are cheaper and easy to construct.

However, they consume too much power.

They are common in slow applications since they have a low speed.

They adequately amplify signals and can act as an interface between linear and digital integrated circuits.

xvi. Diode Transistor Logic (DTL)

The implementation of the logic under this family s through the transistors and the diodes.

DTL has more advantages when you compare to RTL and DL.

Normally, the diodes perform “AND” functions and “OR” functions.

Moreover, to amplify the output signal, the transistor will perform such operations.

Through the addition of a transistor on the logic gate output, it is possible to restore signals to the full logic levels.

Consequently, it causes logic inversion.

Also, the DTL depends on the diodes to perform the “OR” functions, It does not use resistors.

This way, there is the removal of interaction between the input signals.

However, the transistors of the DTL have a lower switching speed.

This is because of the input resistor on the transistor.

xvii. Transistor-Transistor Logic (TTL)

Construction of the gates under this logic family is around the transistors.

The use of bipolar transistors in the fabrication of integrated circuits is a common feature here.

There are different types of TTL including: Standard TTL, High-Speed TTL, Low Power TTL and Schottky TTL.

The common design in these types consists of the open collector output, the Tristate output and the Totem-Pole output.

The phase splitter makes up the input section.

In case the emitter junction is forward biased, the input transistor acts as a conductor.

This logic family has a lower manufacturing cost than the other types since it allows you to add numerous emitters on the input.

xviii. Emitter Coupled Logic (ECL)

There is a limitation as to how deep saturation transistors can go under this family which prevents storage delay.

It is ideal for an application that requires high speed since it has a lower propagation delay.

It has a logic level of a high of -0.9V and a low of -1.6V.

It consists of termination resistors that allow for the propagation of signals using low reflection.

xix. Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor Logic (CMOS)

The advantage of this family is that it consumes less power and has a high fan-out.

Construction of its transistors involves the use of a PMOS transistor and an NMOS transistor, which helps it to achieve its logic functions.

It is common in applications like microprocessors and specific Integrated Circuits.

It is a reliable logic family than the other families.

What is a Linear IC?

A linear IC refers to a solid-state circuit that features a theoretical infinite possible operating state.

It operates a varying continuous current and voltage.

A linear IC consists of passive elements such as resistors, inductors, and capacitors.

The basic building blocks for Linear IC include; a current mirror, current source, differential amplifier, and voltage reference.

Bipolar technology and metal-oxide-silicon technology are essential in the implementation of these building blocks.

What is a Digital Waveform?

Digital waveform

 Digital waveform

A digital waveform is a visual way of representing a variation of the current and voltage against time.

It shows how voltage and current oscillate over a given duration of time.

There are two types of digital waveforms. That is the un-directional waveform which represents a change in voltage and voltage in one direction.

This can either be negative or positive. Such waveforms include clock pulses, square-wave timing signals, and trigger pulses.

It can also be a Bi-directional digital waveform. In this type, the digital waveforms alternate in the direction from the positive to the negative crossing at zero axis

What is IC Logic Gate?

Logic gate symbols

Logic gates symbols – Photo courtesy: Nuts & Volts

An IC Logic Gate refers to the building block of an IC.

It is the one that performs the logic operations of the binary inputs.

An ideal Logic gate needs to have one output and two inputs depending on the Boolean algebra.

At any point, the terminals should represent a high (False) condition or a low (True) condition.

0 represents the false conditions, while 1 represents the true condition.

The output of an Integrated circuit will defer depending on the logic gate type and the input combination.

There are quite a number of logic gates that are used in electronics.

They include:

In the table below, “A” and ”B” are used as the input signals.

Logic GateFunction of Logic Gate

True when “A” and ”B” are true


True only if either “A” or ”B” is trues

It simply “invests” the input – if input it true, output will be false and when input is false output will be true


When both “A” and ”B” are true, the output will be false and if “B” or ”A” is true, the output will be true

When “A” and “B” are true, the output will be false


When both “A” and “B” are false, the output will be true

Whenever both “A” and “B” are either false or true, the output will be true

When was Logic ICs invented?

The invention of the first Logic IC was in the year 1907.

How is Logic ICs Numbered?

Logic IC numbering is a two-part numbering system.

The first part of this numbering system consists of the product description and specification.

The second part of the numbering system consists of the manufacturer’s details.

This includes the name of the manufacturer and its country.

How do you Classify Integrated Circuits?

Classification of Integrated Circuits is into the flowing categories:

i. Small Scale Integration (SSI)

Small Scale Integration consists of:

  • Less than 10 transistors
  • Alternatively, it may have a few gates in one package and they gate may be “AND”, “NOT”, “OR”, etc.

ii. Medium Scale Integration (MSI)

Medium Scale Integration has between 10 and 100 transistors.

Alternatively, it consists of tens of gates in a single package.

It executes digital operations like decoders, adders, flip-flops, counters, and multiplexers.

iii. Large Scale Integration (LSI)

It consists of hundreds of gates or transistors of between 100 and 1000. LSI executes specific digital functions such as:

  • Logic units
  • Arithmetic
  • I/O chips
  • Memory

iv. Very Large-Scale Integration (VLSI)

VLSI consists of 1000-10000 transistors or gates numbering in thousands.

It executes computational operations like processors, programmable logic devices and large memory arrays.

v. Super-Large-Scale Integration (SLSI)

For these circuits, you will find many transistors in a single package – they may range from 10000 to 100000.

Normally, they can execute a number of computational functions just like:

  • Microprocessors
  • Micro-controllers
  • Chips
  • Basic PICs
  • Calculators

vi. Ultra-Large-Scale Integration (ULSI)

Consists of a million or more transistors.

They are ideal for use in Computer GPUs, CPUs, micro-controllers, complex PICs, FPGAs and video processors.

What is Moore’s Law? Why is it Important in Logic ICs Development?

Moore’s law states that the number of resistors in an Integrated Circuits doubles after two years.

It is an important observation in Logic IC development since it indicates the technological progress of semiconductors.

It also helps in the development of complex Logic IC, which can perform multiple tasks at a go.

What is the Function of Logic Gates?

The function of the Logic gates is to execute logic operations on the binary inputs and to produce one binary output.

The diodes or transistors are responsible for the handling of the Logic gates.

Logic operations may include buffers and inverter.

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