Your Top TCA6424ARGJR Distributor- RANTLE is Your Best TCA6424ARGJR Supplier in China
RANTLE is known to be an independent distributor of TCA6424ARGJR in China. We distribute TCA6424ARGJR from different popular manufacturers. RANTLE is your one-stop-shop of your TCA6424ARGJR and any part number of electronic components needs!

We can be your best TCA6424ARGJR Source.

The major benefit of Rantle TCA6424ARGJR device is its wide VCC range. It can operate from 1.65 V to 5.5 V on the P-port side – 2.5-V SCL/SDA and on the SDA/SCL side.
This allows interface with next-generation microprocessors and microcontrollers on the SDA/SCL side, where supply – 3.3-V SCL/SDA and levels are dropping down to conserve power
In contrast to the dropping power supplies of – 5-V SCL/SDA and microprocessors and microcontrollers, some PCB components like LEDs.
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Your Trusted TCA6424ARGJR Distributor in China-RANTLE East Electronic
Rantle is one of the great Texas Instruments(TI) IC components TCA6424ARGJR sources. We can be your reliable and trusted TCA6424ARGJR distributor and supplier.
The bidirectional voltage level translation in the TCA6424ARGJR is provided through VCCI. VCCI should be connected to the VCC of the external SCL/SDA lines.
This indicates the VCC level of the I 2C bus to the TCA6424A. The voltage level on the P-port of the TCA6424ARGJR is determined by the VCCP. The TCA6424ARGJR consists of three 8-bit Configuration Input, Output, and Polarity Inversion registers.
At power-on, the I/Os are configured as inputs. However, the system master can enable the I/Os as either inputs or outputs by writing to the I/O configuration bits.
The data for each input or output is kept in the corresponding input or output register. The polarity of the Input Port register can be inverted with the Polarity Inversion register.
The system master can reset the TCA6424ARGJR in the event of a timeout or other improper operation by asserting a low in the RESET input.
The power-on reset puts the registers in their default state and initializes the I 2C/SMBus state machine. The RESET pin causes the same reset/initialization to occur without depowering the part.
Rantle TCA6424ARGJR open-drain interrupt output is activated when any input state differs from its corresponding Input Port register state and is used to indicate to the system master that an input state has changed.
Thus, we can supply TCA6424ARGJR which can remain a simple slave device. The device P-port outputs have high-current sink capabilities for directly driving LEDs while consuming low device current.
You can find oin Rantle the components you need. We can distribute reliable and functional TCA6424ARGJR that will suit to your requirements. We are glad to help and produce your needs.
Send us your part number needs and we will distribute it immediately!
To learn more about the Texas Instruments(TI) electronic components and parts TCA6424ARGJR, please click the TCA6424A datasheet.