R5F2123CKFP Your No.1 Supplier in China

  • Fast Shipment with R5F2123CKFP
  • Abilities of these chips are about +125 °C max.
  • The width size of burst regulation recorded about 2 x 16 bits
  • Measurements are 1.5mm heights, 7.1 x 7.1 x 1.5mm dimensions
  • Having 128 kB or 2 kB sizes
  • R5F2123CKFP
  • R5F2123CKFP

RANTLE R5F2123CKFP is used specifically for computer devices.

These are dual drivers incorporate with 16-Bit Continuous electronic designs.

R5F2123CKFP has been classified having models/units with integral motor dominance chronometer.

Mentioned timers or chronometer is used for bracing improved complexity control with motor jurisdiction systems.

R5F2123CKFP is electronic drivers that best applied for mobile phones, computers, PC, etc.


Featured operation abilities of these chips are about +125 °C max. temperatures and -40 °C for required minimum temperature.

These certainly have 16bit PWM and 10bit ADC aspirations.

R5F2123CKFP PWM mechanism operates for dual combination.

The width size of burst regulation recorded about 2 x 16 bits, only 1 for total amount of ADC components.

These drivers usually have 2 UART modes.

And talking about where these drivers get directive position architectures, it purely based from CISC.

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Reliable R5F2123CKFP Distributor in China - Rantle East Electronic

These important material have 12 x 10 bit ADCs with packaging formation of LQFP.

It is assuredly on elevate surface mounting classification and statistics width bus for 16bit.

Fortunately, these product have no current record for PCI Mechanism.

But only 1 number of PWM unit. R5F2123CKFP measurements are 1.5mm heights, 7.1 x 7.1 x 1.5mm dimensions, and 7.1mm length size.

These also can be 16 bit and 8 bit timer commitments.

R5F2123CKFP Supplier

Moreover, R5F2123CKFP have instance memory form whether Flash types nor ROM types.

These instance memory measurements should having 128 kB or 2 kB sizes. In

terior R5F2123CKFP devices are definitely on R8C.

Suitable for any kinds of connected applications.

However, R5F2123CKFP owned RAM size that measured for 6 kB and timers bit around 1 x 16 or 3 x 8 bit sizes.

Clearly, these series having 48 pin numbers, 4 total timers, 1 I2C Channels amount, and 2 for SPI Channels totally.

These also have frequency maximum completion that operates within 16MHz of usage.

R5F2123CKFP generally employ with 3 → 5.5 V adequate supply voltages.

Obviously, having R5F2123CKFP on a prior business open the chance for business operators to gain profitable benefits.

All licensed operators could make money instantly when having 100% quality R5F2123CKFP.

You have the freedom to choose whether R5F2123CKFP on standard or substandard from RANTLE.

But standard quality commends as the best.

When implementing R5F2123CKFP, stringently follow and considerate all instructions, directives, and laws for finest operations activity.

Latest and highest quality manufactured products will be provided.

When RANTLE become the one who helps you out, expect better solutions for difficult-to-find electronic components.

Because we, RANTLE are engaged with all these pursuit manufacturing obligations.

R5F2123CKFP Distributor

Lower risks and safer using of R5F2123CKFP are liable and specified enough.

Reasonable supervisions are provided with quality yet lower rates.

We do fabricating and generation of high-level valued chips nationwide.

We invent and get basis from main OEM administrators for more valuable manufactory of R5F2123CKFP.

Arising your business development is what RANTLE`s mission about.

So that, we assigned brilliant staffs facilitators, skillful enough for customer services 24/7.

Want more exciting ideas about R5F2123CKFP?

Contact us for vital assistance.

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